Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Using a projector


I saw how two guys spent time in the woods using a projector to try to get cool illuminated images. They illuminated leaves, mushrooms, webs, bark, and even animals as well. they tried to use a projector in the woods where there wasn't really any flat ground, so they had to always adjust the projections.

My favorite photo on the website:
I chose this photo because the circles are on the mushrooms almost perfectly and the color of them match with the lighting. I just really thought it was cool, too. I can see lines in this photo because the circles kind of make you look at them, and there is balance because the amount of projected light is about the same on both sides of the photo. Photographer Tarek Mawad took this photo.

In the video on the website, it showed me how the forest looked like in the day and some of the future places that would have projections. Then, as it turned to night, they started showing all of the projections on the leaves, bark, animals, and the web they found. The photographer was Tarek Mawad, and there was an animator whose name was Friedrich van Schoor. It says the both made the video together. The story says that the two artists had wondered if projections could be made on bumpy, uneven surfaces, and decided to try it out. With a computer, projector, and a DSLR on a slider, they captured the shot of the forest glowing with the projections. I learned that projections can be made pretty well on uneven, bumpy surfaces and that some really cool projections can be done in nature.

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