Monday, December 7, 2015

My Favorite Cover

My Favorite Cover Portrait:

Its description: FamilyFun, August 2014, Road Trip
"For our August 2014 issue, FamilyFun commissioned photographer Sabrina Helas to shoot our cover story on family road trips. The minute we saw this image in the film, we knew we had our cover. Shot at The Corner Store in San Pedro, CA, the photo is filled with the kind of joyful, authentic details we love — the vintage blue bottle, the candy bracelet, the world's best burger, and a side-glancing smile of delight from 6-year-old Isaac. Intriguing and spontaneous-feeling, it sums up what our brand is all about: making happy memories with your kids."

I really liked this photo because of all of the elements in the picture that are interesting, such as the clothes, burger, and the blue bottle. The kid in the photo gives a happy, treasure-moment kind of feel. With their eyes directed at something else, you feel as you are just there, and that no one is staring at you creepily. The dark around the edges makes it more framed on the kid, showing the subject. The clothing gives it a more special and unique feel, as well as spontaneous(I couldn't think of another word). The kids eyes look like they are looking at the star in the picture, which I think was probably a mistake, but I'm, not sure.

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