Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazines Part II

Early Magazine Covers- Rarely there were pictures, and if there were, they were symbolistic of the whole magazine and illustrated. The cover would look like a book, with mostly small text and blank page. There could be small words at the top or bottom telling one of the topics found inside.

The Poster Cover- During this time, the covers were full illustrated pictures, again with little get on the front. If there was text, it would be small and at the bottom. The picture just conveyed a certain mood or season, instead of the story inside.

Pictures Married to Type- These covers have both a picture and captions, where the picture and text both make space for each other. The pictures look like they have the most say. Models could overlap the magazines title. The lines would be positioned around the model to give them space and show balance.

In the Forest of Words- These covers also have pictures and words, but the words have the most say here. The pictures are often overlapped by the differently sized and colored text. The people in the picture even sometimes look like they are putting themselves in a weird position to make space for the text that would go right over them.

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