Friday, December 11, 2015

The Rules of Photography Review

1. Rule of thirds- Imagine if you cut line down the face of your camera's screen to make a tic-tac-toe game, putting your subject in any of the places where the lines intersect would be using the rule of thirds.
2. Balancing Elements- Balancing the photo by putting something on each side of the photo makes sure there isn't blank space that makes the picture pretty empty.
3. Leading Lines- Including lines leading to your subject, especially S lines, can make your photo more interesting.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- Including any geometric shape or pattern whether man-made or natural will make the photo more eye catching.
5. Viewpoint- The photo could be made more interesting by changing the normal viewpoint of something. For example, instead going face to face, you could look at them from high up, or down low.
6. Background- Making the background simpler and less cluttered can make a photo much more neat and better than one with a distracting background.
7. Create depth- You can do this by including objects in the foreground, mid ground, and background. Mountains are a good example, with each farther mountain being a different color.
8. Framing- Use trees or other objects to literally frame your picture. Let them be around the sides of your picture.
9. Cropping- By cropping around the subject you make the viewer more focused on it and less on the distractions around it.
10. Mergers and avoiding them- Avoid objects in the picture that seem to be interacting, such as a man with a tree on top of his head. Also avoid cutting a person off, keeping only one random hand on the left side of your picture, for example.

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