Monday, December 7, 2015

Fashion Photography

  • They made her neck longer
  • They made her shoulders smaller
  • They enlarged her eyes.
  • They trimmed the edges of her face
  • They enlarged her eyes
  • They made her legs longer
  • They removed part of her body
  • They made her neck longer
  • They made her brighter
  • They made her butt smaller
  • They reduced a lot of fat and made everything smaller
  • They added more hair
4.  This is not ethically acceptable because these people you show as "models" don't exist. You edited people to better suit your needs. Don't lie to the people and show them someone that doesn't exist.

5. Yes, there are circumstances where to manipulate a photo would be more ethically wrong. It can depend on what you are doing the manipulation for.

6. Slight, small changes are okay, or removing some makeup, but definitely not changing a huge part of a person, like their eyes, legs, neck, or arms.

7. In fashion photography, they photographers only want to get a good image. In photojournalism, the photographers want to get good pictures, but honest pictures as well that give some knowledge.

8. Different kinds of photography have different goals to achieve, so the ethical practice of each type can vary. Photojournalism is more about news, and Fashion photography is more about looks. So is photojournalism editing is strict, while in fashion photography it is way more common.

9. I think you are showing us this for us to learn about the kind of manipulation of images going on and for us to choose what we think about it.

10. Maybe because women are edited more photographically than men.

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