Friday, April 8, 2016

News Values


I believe this is a story based on novelty because when does a kid almost choke on an octopus? I mean, other things like toys are normal, but an octopus is a really weird thing to choke on.

Toddler who choked on octopus recovering


I believe this story is based on conflict, for if many Belgians are starting to want to succeed into Flemish, that is most definitely conflicting the other half who aren't in Flemish. This is nowhere to being close to the Americas, so it can't really affect the audience of this post either.

Rattled by Attacks, Many Belgians Still Want Nation Split in Two


I think this is a Prominence because Sea world is a big company, or at least used to be. Also, this is a huge change for SeaWorld, and I wonder what their next step will be.

End of an era: Sea World yields to critics of killer whale shows, which will change

The Sea World group of three marine parks responds to negative attention focused on a main attraction – black-and-white killer whales performing stunts for visitors. The current 29 whales on display will be the last generation of orcas at the wildlife parks in Orlando, San Diego and San Antonio. Sea World, which stopped capturing wild whales more than 30 years ago, now will stop breeding the magnificent, intelligent creatures to phase out their display. In the meantime, rather than having them leap and twist in response to trainers' signals, it will present a "more naturalistic show and environment for our orcas," says Joel Manby, president and chief executive. "And we're going to teach all of our customers about the plight of them in the wild."


I think this is a novelty-based story because if the whole jetpack thing works out, we(the public) will probably still be unable to use them anytime soon. Also, a jetpack is kind of unusual, and its still weird to think jetpacks being sold to anyone.

Jetpack firm nears liftoff but creator opts out

Glenn Martin was sitting in a bar with his college buddies 35 years ago when they got to wondering: Whatever happened to flying cars and jetpacks?


This story shows conflict between ISIS and, well, everyone else in the world. ISIS kidnapped many factory workers northeast of Damascus.

ISIS Abducts Workers From Cement Factory in Syria


This story is about a person who has wrote down his language to make sure that even when it may never be spoken, the culture is preserved. So since this is not very common in life or in news stories, I think this is a story driven by novelty.

An Heir to a Tribe’s Culture Ensures Its Language Is Not Forgotten


This story is about MoPac and how a lane will be closed for quite a while. Since this will only affect people in Austin, and it is not very interesting to any other people, this has to be a story based on proximity

MoPac lane closure starts Sunday

The right lane of northbound MoPac Boulevard (Loop 1), from 35th Street to 45th Street, will close for up to six months starting Sunday morning, giving crews more room to work on the ongoing toll lane construction project.

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