Wednesday, March 30, 2016

School Uniforms

a) 3 sources I could interview are:

  1. A member of the school board.
  2. A teacher
  3. A principal

b)  20 questions I could ask are:

  1. What is your name?
  2. What do you think of the board's decision for uniforms?
  3. Why did the board decide for mandatory school uniforms?
  4. When will the policy take effect?
  5. How will students obtain their uniforms?
  6. How will the policy be enforced?
  7. What days will uniforms be mandatory?
  8. How much would a uniform cost?
  9. How will each uniform differ from each other?
  10. How much would this cost the district?
  11. What will be the consequences of not wearing a uniform?
  12. What will the uniform consist of?
  13. What do you say to the people who are against this policy?
  14. How will teachers and staff be affected by this policy?
  15. What are the positive aspects of mandatory uniforms?
  16. What are the negative aspects of mandatory uniforms?
  17. What was your first thought upon hearing of school uniforms?
  18. How will sports and after-school activities be changed?
  19. What will happen when it is too hot to wear the uniform?
  20. How have students and parents reacted to tis policy?

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