Tuesday, January 5, 2016


1. What was the best song of 2015?

I liked Take Me To Church by Hozier. I liked it because it was one of the few songs I remembered this year and it had a good beat and feel to it that I liked. It wasn't too energetic, or boring. It had the right balance.

2.What was the best movie of 2015?

My favorite movie would be The Force Awakens because I love Star Wars and the whole idea of it. I love how they brought you back into it and how they introduced the characters. Also, it was the movie that everyone was talking about and waiting for.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

The most important news story is that countries are closing their borders to refugees and the U.S. is facing the same choice. These people are running way from death, danger, and war, but the countries block them from leaving the area. In my opinion, this is an important issue and one that shouldn't be an issue.

4. Who was the important person of 2015?

Sadly, I think Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is the most important person of 2015 for all of his bad deeds. He is the leader of ISIS, so he is the one responsible for a lot of trouble in the Middle East, an area that had a lot of trouble already. He is important because countries over the world are searching for him to stop him and his organization.

5. What was the biggest sports or entertainment story or sports/entertainment person of 2015?

I think that Jimmy Fallon was the biggest entertainment person as a comedian, because of all of the fans and popularity he had gained. I like him, and he has been getting a lot of attention. With the Tonight show, I definitely think he is the biggest, most well-known comedian, which is why I picked him.

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