Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review #1

1. The magazine that I looked at was called Motocross and it was made by Conner Pearson.

2. I really liked the picture in the background, it was pretty cool, and I also liked the colors used
because it went well with the background.

3. I think that if you had put the writing farther up near the title, it could have looked better with there being more sky next to the person.

4. I picked this cover because I really liked the picture in the background, it is uncommon and cool.

5. There is an appropriately sized barcode in the right place.

6. I would look at it, because of how the picture was cool and I would want to look at it more.

7. I'm pretty sure that is a portrait because he would have to have been on the ground shooting to get that image.

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