Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

25 Things that I think would be in every yearbook:

  1. A title
  2. School Name
  3. Sections
  4. Page Numbers
  5. Table of Contents
  6. Pictures of all students
  7.  Section about the students
  8. Sports section
  9. Pictures of all teachers
  10. Index
  11. Advertisements
  12. Academics Section
  13. Some section especially for Seniors
  14. Clubs/Activities Section
  16. The year(s) of the yearbook
  17. Photos for each section
  18. Superlatives
  19. Parent Notes
  20. Section Title Pages
  21. Freshman Section
  22. Fine Arts Section
  23. Questions and students answers
  24. Memorial in cases of death
  25. Colophon

1. Kaleidoscope
2. Absegami High School
3. Big pictures, Many different colors, The first letter of a title is especially big.
4. 11
5. My favorite spread was the superlatives spread because it was nice to see all of the superlatives.
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. 2,248
10. New Jersey

Magazine Cover Peer Review #3

1. The name of the magazine was holiday weekly by Kiran.

2. I liked the color scheme of the cover, how the title stood out, and how the picture in the background fitted the theme of holidays.

3. I think that if you moved the teasers around some more so that they would be easier to see, that wold be a good improvement.

4. I picked this cover because of how the title jumped out at you and because the color scheme was nice.

5. There is a barcode, but it might be a tad too big.

6. No, because I would be too busy looking for Popular mechanics, Science, or MAD. :)

7. No, I really don't know if its a portrait or self-portrait.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Magazine Cover Peer Review #2

1. The magazine I chose is called Monthly Music and is was made by Bonnie Campbell.

2. I like how they made the cello in color, but not themselves. Also, the viewpoint makes it feel like it is less about the person and more about the music and instruments, with help from the color.

3. First, please make the "w" in what a capital. That annoys me so much. Also, I say you should put the page numbers next to some of the teasers, so the magazine would be more like real ones because they have page numbers next to their teasers.

4. I picked this cover because of the difference of color and just because it has an orchestra instrument, I used to be in orchestra.

5. There is a bar code appropriately sized and placed correctly.

6. I might because of the color difference.

7. This was a self-portrait, because the other cover was a young boy.

Magazine Cover Peer Review #1

1. The magazine that I looked at was called Motocross and it was made by Conner Pearson.

2. I really liked the picture in the background, it was pretty cool, and I also liked the colors used
because it went well with the background.

3. I think that if you had put the writing farther up near the title, it could have looked better with there being more sky next to the person.

4. I picked this cover because I really liked the picture in the background, it is uncommon and cool.

5. There is an appropriately sized barcode in the right place.

6. I would look at it, because of how the picture was cool and I would want to look at it more.

7. I'm pretty sure that is a portrait because he would have to have been on the ground shooting to get that image.

Prompt Shoot Peer Review


1. I like the "Pause" photo best because I hadn't thought of looking at the word this way. Of course, since the clock isn't moving, it displays "Pause" well.

2. My least favorite image would be the one with the prompt "Pose" because I can't tell what the person is doing and his hands are slightly blurry. It didn't look like a pose because it seemed as the person was maybe getting into a pose, not already in one.

3. I really like the angle that he showed the clock from, it really shows the subject and is just nice. Also, I like how he actually included his shoe in the picture "Footprints" because most people I saw just did the prints.

4. He could improve on taking photos of people.

5. I think he portrayed the Pause photo better than all of the others.

6. I think that he portrayed the Pose photo least successfully than all of the others.

Friday, January 15, 2016

My Holiday

One thing I will remember that happened during the holiday was me going with my friend and family to the Trail of Lights. It was really fun, because doing it with people you know is way better than alone, and it gives more unique experiences.

Some of my resolutions are to try to learn how to code, try to keep eating healthy, to physically play or just move more, and to be able to control my time on devices better.

I am looking forward to learning how to code, ending this school year, enjoying the summer, having a fun time with my friends and family and just having a (hopefully) great year!

Prompt Shoot 3





Magazine Covers



Tuesday, January 5, 2016


1. What was the best song of 2015?

I liked Take Me To Church by Hozier. I liked it because it was one of the few songs I remembered this year and it had a good beat and feel to it that I liked. It wasn't too energetic, or boring. It had the right balance.

2.What was the best movie of 2015?

My favorite movie would be The Force Awakens because I love Star Wars and the whole idea of it. I love how they brought you back into it and how they introduced the characters. Also, it was the movie that everyone was talking about and waiting for.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

The most important news story is that countries are closing their borders to refugees and the U.S. is facing the same choice. These people are running way from death, danger, and war, but the countries block them from leaving the area. In my opinion, this is an important issue and one that shouldn't be an issue.

4. Who was the important person of 2015?

Sadly, I think Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi is the most important person of 2015 for all of his bad deeds. He is the leader of ISIS, so he is the one responsible for a lot of trouble in the Middle East, an area that had a lot of trouble already. He is important because countries over the world are searching for him to stop him and his organization.

5. What was the biggest sports or entertainment story or sports/entertainment person of 2015?

I think that Jimmy Fallon was the biggest entertainment person as a comedian, because of all of the fans and popularity he had gained. I like him, and he has been getting a lot of attention. With the Tonight show, I definitely think he is the biggest, most well-known comedian, which is why I picked him.

3 Favorite Photos of 2015

This was one of my favorites because you don't see this often, how the northern lights were shown with long exposure. This is the first time I had heard of it or seen it, and I thought the blend of colors looked interesting.

I chose this one because it was up close and gave a lot of detail. I had seen many pictures of  canyons, but they were all pretty big and the photo showed the whole canyon from the top. This one is from the bottom and up close.

I liked this one mostly because of how the photographer displayed all of the colors and surrounding environment. It was a very pretty and colorful scene, and did actually give a storybook feel.