Wednesday, October 28, 2015


    I am absolutely stunned towards the photos Brandt has taken. I dint think I could have ever waited weeks for one shot. The time he waits for the perfect photo shows how much he feels about that region and topic of poaching. I never thought that the poaching in Africa was so severe, and that the Chinese payed $6,000 for a kilo of ivory.

Favorite Photo:
    Lion Before Storm II
    This shows a lion facing into the wind as a storm approaches. I like this photo because you rarely see photos of a lion lie this, facing into the wind. I never knew there was such wind there, it never reached my mind. I also like this photo because I recognize how close this photographer must have gotten, only a few feet away from a lion. This photo just has that something else, that feeling that makes you feel as if you were there. This photo definitely has simplicity, as there is not much clutter in the photo, and the subject is clear. The photographer also frames the lion with the black edging on the sides and corners. 

   Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67II with only 2 fixed lenses. This is important, as he shows in all of his photos the importance of being up close to the subject, and being able to feel as if you were in the photo.  He takes these photos to memorialize the diminishing grandeur of East Africa before it is destroyed by man. By taking these photos, he hopes that people will remember the land, animals, and overall nature of East Africa when it is gone. 

"There is something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies."-Nick Brandt

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