Thursday, October 8, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

    The first challenge was which class would be interesting and which should I go to? Near the end of the shoot, the challenge was how many more photos I could fit in. When shooting, I thought about the focus by trying to stay still and half-pressing the shoot button. If I could do the shoot again, I would definitely try to get more classrooms, as well as trying to get the students perspective and getting more simplicity. I would definitely want to go to the guitar class and take those photos I took in there. I think the easiest rule to achieve is absolutely the rule of Thirds. I think the hardest rules to achieve are the balance and framing (in that order). I not still clear on the framing rule, as I don't know whether the framing has to be almost all around the subject. I could try and figure out what the rule is by looking at other photos and trying to put my subjects slightly framed by poles or trees.

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