Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection

    The 1st challenge I encountered when I was shooting is what to shoot. How should I interpret the prompts and where was a good example of how I interpreted it?
   What technical aspects I was thinking about the most was how I should position myself and the half-press. Such as, I was trying many times to get myself in the right position for the square photo, and when I think I got it, I checked the photo while I was half-pressing.
    If I could do the photo shoot again, I would probably want to look over my photos more, and try to interpret some of the prompts differently like the square prompt. I would probably still interpret bowie and metal the same way, and try to put some more rules of photography, like framing and balance.
    In my photos, I accomplished the following rules of composition: Lines, in the square photo, where the diagonal lines led to the square. Simplicity, in the metal photo, where the weight was on a non-complicted background. And finally the rule of thirds, in the bowie photo, where the bowie mini trailer was more in the bottom left than center.
    I would rather not do the same prompts because I would rather do new prompts, to make it more interesting. However, if I did, I wouldn't mind a lot, but wouldn't like it as much as new prompts.

Katie Stephenson's blog

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   What I like is how clear and simple her photos are. In almost all of her photos I can clearly see the subject of the photo, and the focus is great! I also like how she interpreted the photo "Happy". The way she interpreted the prompt was a lot more different than how I interpreted it. One thing she could improve on is her "Bowie" photo. I didn't quite understand what the subject was on that one. Overall, I think she did great!

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