Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Comparing Manipulated Images

    I think that this is a very unethical photo because the two politicians shown never debated. Editors made them appear like they debated, but they did not yet still appeared in this cover shot. This is what I meant before on the previous post when I said that if you deliver news, you should not manipulate images to make fake news, not to make news you wished happened, but to show the news that did happen.

    I think that in this case, the manipulation and ethics of the photo's originality was not really important, even though this was in the news. It is not as bad because the only difference from the original photo (bottom) and the newer photo (top) is the lighting. And as how bright it was that day most likely is not important to the actual story, where this boy was shot by a guard. Though the newer is somewhat clearer, this probably makes the photo more like real life, and is fine in terms of manipulation.

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