Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

    This story is talking about whether it is okay or right to manipulate images using a photo editor, such as Photoshop. It was also comparing how the U.S. and Europe handle manipulation compared to the Middle East, as there are not many consequences in the Middle East for manipulation of the photos. In the manipulated images, people can be replaced, mistakes corrected, and false news can be shown. For example, there were 2 women and the rest men in a political cabinet. The editor replaced the women with other men to make an all men cabinet.

    Personally, I think that photo manipulation is okay under the right circumstances. If you are replacing someone, certainly not. If you are getting rid of a minor merger (such as a hand in the corner), I believe that is okay if you could not find another way. If you are delivering news, however, I believe you should never do that, such as if you show dropped bombs' effects in an area, and got rid of one bomb that was off target. You take photos to show what happened, not what you think should have happened. If it cannot be avoided, DO NOT manipulate images!

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