Monday, February 22, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

 Front Page- A new policy for transfers takes effect

     Next school year, there will be a new transfer policy. The new policy says that transfers will be only allowed at campuses with space available, to stop overcrowding at high schools. This makes  Bowie and Akins considered as "frozen" schools. Even students that have already completed their transfers are at risk to be transferred to the high school that  they are zoned to.

   a) AISD
   b) A new transfer policy
   c) Austin
   d) The 2016-2017 school year
   e) To stop schools from overcrowding
   f) Transfers will only be accepted at schools with space available.
2. Andri Lyons,  Jessica Torrez, and Michaela Gero are all quoted.
3. I believe that Gero's quote was the strongest, because since she is a senior she is the closest person directly related to the rest of us, the student body. We can all easily imagine how it would be to change schools, as mentioned in her quote.
4. The lead sentence did make me want to keep reading because it made me wonder what transfer policy would take effect and if it affected me.
5. The last sentence is a statement.

Student Life- Reaching the perfect balance

     This story is about Bryana Johnson and how she handles her schedule with 2 jobs and going to school. She works to gather money for college, learn how to manage money, and to be able to pay for personal things without having to ask for money from her parents. However, Johnson says that you should always make education and your own happiness and well-being a priority over a job and your job should never take those away from you.

   a) Bryana Johnson
   b) Handling school and 2 jobs
   c) Austin
   d) Now
   e) To be able to have her own money and to learn how to manage money.
   f) She is able to finish schoolwork quickly, and she is able to manage her time for both jobs and recreation.
2. Bryana Johnson, Annalisa Gonzalez, Taylor Beltz, Vicki Vohl, and Amy Lopez are quoted.
3. I think that Johnson's long quote in the middle was the strongest quote.
4. The lead sentence didn't really make me want to read more.
5. The last sentence is a quote.

News- FFA takes T.C.Y.S. by a storm

     Many Bowie students in FFA went to TCYS and got placement ribbons but most importantly life lessons. Each student chose the animal that best suited their needs and time frame, and they took care of them daily. Unfortunately, many of the rabbits got sick with a fatal illness. But this also made students realize that they can't get too attached, but they know how it feels to lose an animal.

   a) Bowie Students
   b) Many FFA students got placement ribbons.
   c) T.C.Y.S.
   d) January 14-16
   e) Students who placed felt achievement and became proud of themselves.
   f) Through hard work and hours spent on caring for their animals.
2. Kylee Rhorer, Jamie Muras, Brandon Parker, and Kate Buning were quoted.
3. I believe that Buning's last quote was the strongest.
4. The lead sentence did kind of make me want to read more because i was wondering what life lessons they learned.
5. The last sentence is a statement.

SportsSwiftly overcoming obstacles


4. The lead sentence did
5. The last sentence is a statement.







In Depthtitle



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