Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite front page were the ones where there was a semi-big horizontal picture and the text fitted around it. I liked the ones that weren't too flashy also, because then it looked like a magazine. I guess The Tennessean would be a good example.

2. My favorite headline from it today i guess is Aid to Rural Hospitals (my actual favorite is where it says where the comics are) because the other two are politics and music and I'm not interested in those at all.

3. There are 4 stories on the front page.

4. Every single newspaper has their newspaper name at the top and a main photo. Every newspaper also has multiple photos and stories on the front page. The story text is mainly black and each newspaper also has a barcode.

5. One thing that varies is how big the main photo is, whether it is on the left, right, or centered. The text size and color also change for the titles, headings, and other text, and the amount of stories and photos also vary. The whole color theme for each paper changes as well.

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