Thursday, November 12, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part 1

    I think the top 3 best tips were to:

  • Shoot Candidly
  • Play with eye contact
  • Play with background

Environmental Portraits

I liked this photograph because it shows the subject at a different angle tun most of the others, which is up front. I picked this photo because of that change in position.

I liked this photo because the guitar strings make you follow them to the subject. Not many other photos had lines like this, and this photo really shows ht this person likes to do. 

Photography Self Portraits

I like this photo because of its creativity of being both black and white and color. It makes me feel as he is describing himself as a photographer and a painter, as he paints color on his face. I chose this photo in the end just for its creativity

I liked this photo because of the joke it makes. You shoot photos, you shoot self-portraits. The portrait is of him, so he "shoots" himself, making a pose as if he is putting a gun to his head. The black and white color puts a fake sad and solemn mood.

Casual Portraits

I liked and chose this photo because this is exactly what I think of when I hear casual. People or a person in their everyday lives, but friendly and aware of the photographer and camera.

I liked this photo because it is casual, and the background laughing makes for a homey, cozy, welcome feel. You can tell the subject does know the photographer personally, unlike a stranger.

    I will probably shoot my friend in his house, doing whatever he likes to do, probably playing tennis. I could have him standing with a racket and looking at the camera with the chain fence in the background. I could also have him looking like he is playing while I'm on the side getting him  naturally reacting with the environment. Both of those places could be at the Grey Rock Gold Club, or at the tennis court at Bowie. It would be up to him. Either way, I would try to make sure it was still bright, not darker in the evening. If he is playing, I would try not to let him notice me so he can react naturally. I can try to get a picture when a tennis ball is on the right side of the screen and he is on the other. The lines on the tennis court could be used by leading the viewer of the photo up to him. 

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