Thursday, November 12, 2015

Love and Loss

    I felt like in the beginning I was an intruder to their privacy, and then I felt sadness during the story and and shock at when she died at the end.

    I think that comment shows that those pictures were not like them, those pictures didn't capture their personality, the pictures were their personality, for each moment. Those pictures didn't just showed their personality, but all of their personality and being.

    I definitely do not think I could take photos like these in that situation, for I couldn't take such good photos and capture them so well. I wouldn't be able to take out the camera, I would be lost in the moment.

    If I wrote Angelo a letter, I would compliment him for his photos and skills and say sorry for his loss. I would write and ask "What is the difference between the definition of a person and who they are? The details?"

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